Danny Scheie and Aysan Celik in “The Making of a Great Moment.” Photo by Meghan Moore.
As a cohort, I’ve been able to delve a little into the theater world which I find fascinating.  Making of a Great Moment takes me even further into that world with the play about the Victoria Canada Bicycle Theater Company.  After performing Great Moments in Human Achievement for four hours in the dark, Mona wrote in her performance report “unexpected electrical limitation required some adjustments.”  Since I am lucky enough to receive the MRT’s performance reports after every show, those lines were even funnier to me than the average ‘civilian.’  I learned that I was a ‘civilian’ when Mona asked Terry about someone.  Here’s the dialogue:
TERRY:   I don’t know. A civilian.
MONA:    What kind?
TERRY:   Does it really matter what they do? 
The Making of a Great Moment tells us some of the downside of being an actor–long hours, time away from home, sometimes “comatose audiences,” prettier and less talented actors making it big…  It also tells us of the upside—making people laugh, gasp, cry and applaud; doing something you’re passionate about; changing lives…
If I were asked if theater is a distraction or if it changes lives, I’d say ‘both.’  Life can be tough and needs an infusion of entertaining distraction on a regular basis.  Take it from an appreciative theatergoer. 
And while a play may not have a profound, life-altering impact; it just may.
-Terry Munson, Cohort
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“The Making of  a Great Moment” runs January 4 – 29.