rehearsing jug band
Rehearsing Andrew Jackson’s Jug Band: Veronika Duerr, Aaron Munoz, Terrell Donnell Sledge, and Celina Dean

Another rehearsal. It is quite informative to see the cast becoming a comfortable team. There is nothing ‘big’ but the ease with which they discuss the play and circumstances for the play display a engaged set of team members, not just people involved in an assignment.  Watching as the team discusses and understands together the setting and meaning of a play is quite rewarding.  Yet again a foundation element that contributes to a performance. Of course never seeing this level I could never appreciate these hidden moments that set the cast together.  It was also interesting seeing contemporary politics and how noticeable it could effect members.

I have often gone to plays and to some degree felt that I was missing something when I watched some scenes and acts.  In being able to see the assembly of the performance at this early stage, I can see that many subtle items that the cast/team feel about the play and its environment are added.  Items like this have likely often been there and I expect get perceived by me, but never was I fully conscience of them.  Of course subtle items, such as different plays (presidents) being done the same generally will be hard to notice when seeing the play only once, but I am sure this level of detail helps the cast and the audience to hear the message that the playwright is delivering.

As always a privilege and delight to watch professionals at work.

Richard Pitkin, Cohort