The teens of Young Company

Our Young Company high school group has been making some stellar theatre over the last two weeks. The approach they use, Playmaking, uses active participation from the entire group in creating a piece for the stage.

Take a look at what the process has meant to the kids:


Katrina Wilensky: Nobody is put below anybody else or thought to be less talented. My confidence is constantly being challenged and encouraged. I love that.


Tyler Higgins: When in the program you feel heard, like your ideas matter, and that while not everything is a right answer, in can most likely be used somewhere. It really shows you how to work in ideas and gives you a stronger understanding of the creative process as a whole.


Jonah Krampitz: The best part… are the people here. They are all committed to making something great, and going outside their comfort zone to try something. We’re all comfortable here which is awesome for a first-timer like me.

You can read their full responses here:

Young Company will perform Friday August 5 at 2:00 pm at Merrimack Repertory Theatre, 50 East Merrimack Street, Downtown Lowell. Free and open to the public; all are welcome.