TINKER TO EVERS TO CHANCE: A Real Gift in the New Play World, by Sean Daniels

Tinker to Evers to Chance opened this past weekend.

These are the same two actors we did the world premiere of the show with at the Geva Theatre Center in Rochester, NY.

cast at opening
Director Sean Daniels with James Craven (RJ) and Emily Kitchens (Lauren)

After that opening the Democrat and Chronicle said:

“Their chemistry is riveting and pure magic: Kitchens is delightful as the ever optimistic ‘I hate the Cubs; I love the Cubs’ die-hard fan (who bravely sports Evers’ 1906 jersey). Craven is mesmerizing as a caring, deeply thoughtful man who can’t let go of the past to reclaim his future.”

I couldn’t agree more.

It’s a real joy to get to work on a play a second time with the same actors. So often you learn so much in previews, or at opening, or in the second week of a run, and don’t get to put it in motion as there just isn’t the time.

So, this time we got to start the first day of rehearsal with a full production under our belt, and really try to go deeper than we had before.

A real gift in the new play world.

That and  we finally figured out how to go to Wrigley Field at the end…and isn’t that what everyone really wants to see…

lauren and rj
Emily Kitchens and James Craven at Wrigley

-Sean Daniels, Director & MRT Artistic Director