JOHN ROGERS: I AND YOU is going to be a hit.

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Watching I and You come together at tech rehearsal was an experience that I am glad to have had. The teamwork of theater shined through and it became clear how many people are needed to turn a two-person show into something memorable. During rehearsal I wanted to yell out comments such as, “Right there, that lighting is perfect,” “That really does look like the bedroom of a 17 year old girl…I think,” “Great song. I was thinking Taylor Swift, but that song works better.” Sean Daniels showed a superb eye for directing, seeing things that either come with experience or are simply a natural gift that he has to enhance the viewers’ experience. I and You is going to be a hit. It is a perfect show to follow The Lion, and it suddenly feels as though the Merrimack Repertory Theatre has an energy that I feared had been weaning in recent seasons.

-John Rogers, Cohort