Back Stage Fright Tour

Thursday, October 30, 2014 - 10:00pm to Friday, October 31, 2014 - 10:00pm

What lies beneath the stage at Merrimack Repertory Theatre?

This late-night backstage tour starts like any other tour until something happens to your tour guide, turning this into a chilling, bloodcurdling, nightmare-inducing evening!

Performances begin every 5-10 minutes as each group proceeds to the next room. Entire performance lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Tickets:$20 each

To Buy Tickets

Buy tickets online or call 978-654-4678


Family-Friendly Fun Tours will take place on Tuesday, October. 28 from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

Presented by Merrimack Repertory Theatre, UMass Lowell Theatre Arts Program, Merrimack College Department of Visual and Performing Arts, and Middlesex Community College Theater Performing Arts Department.